F. Agulló-Rueda
F. Agulló-Rueda
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D. Jaque
Ultraviolet nanosecond laser-assisted micro-modifications in Lithium Niobate monitored by Nd$^{3+}$ luminescence
Femtosecond laser induced micromodifications in Nd:SBN crystals: Amorphization and luminescence inhibition
Optical investigation of femtosecond laser induced microstress in neodymium doped lithium niobate crystals
Self-Activated Nd$^{3+}$:Ba$_2$NaNb$_5$O$_{12}$ optical superlattices: Micro-characterization and noncollinear laser light generation
Multiple Stokes and Anti-Stokes Picosecond Generation, cw Laser Action at Wavelengths of Two Stimulated-Emission Channels $^4F_{3/2}$ $\rightarrow$ $^4I_{11/2}$ and $^4F_{3/2}$ $\rightarrow$ $^4I_{13/2}$, and Nanosecond Self-SRS Lasing in Undoped and Nd$^{3+}$-Doped Tetragonal PbMoO$_4$ Crystals
New Laser and $χ^{(3)}$-Nonlinear Properties of PbMoO$_4$:Nd$^{3+}$: CW Stimulated Emission at 1.0594 and 1.335 μm, High-Order Picosecond Raman Generation, and Nanosecond Self-SRS Lasing
First Observations of Stimulated Emission and of Stimulated Raman Scattering in Accentric Cubic Nd$^{3+}$:Bi$_{12}$SiO$_{20}$ Crystals