F. Agulló-Rueda
F. Agulló-Rueda
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F. Agulló-López
Giant enhancement of material damage associated to electronic excitation during ion irradiation: The case of LiNbO$_3$
Buried amorphous layers by electronic excitation in ion-beam irradiated lithium niobate: structure and kinetics
Effect of local rotations on the optical response of LiNbO$_3$: application to ion-beam damage
Fotónica y nanotecnología
Optical investigation of the propagation of the amorphous--crystalline boundary in ion-beam irradiated LiNbO$_3$
Generation of amorphous surface layers in LiNbO$_3$ by ion-beam irradiation: thresholding and boundary propagation
Linear Electroabsorption in Semi-Insulating GaAs/AlGaAs Asymmetric Double Quantum Wells
Electrooptics: Phenomena, materials and applications
Steady holographic gratings in semiconductor multiple quantum wells