F. Agulló-Rueda
F. Agulló-Rueda
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J. M. Calleja
Old silks endowed with new properties
Raman scattering by coupled plasmon-LO phonons in InN nanocolumns
Raman scattering by longitudinal optical phonons in InN nanocolumns grown on Si(111) and Si(001) substrates
Inelastic light scattering spectroscopy of semiconductor nitride nanocolumns
Phonon-plasmon coupling in electron surface accumulation layers in InN nanocolumns
Raman Spectroscopy of the Ammonium Ion in NH$_4$ZnF$_3$ and NH$_4$MnF$_3$ Perovskites: Temperature Dependence
Raman and Infrared Spectra of Transition Metal Halide Hexahydrates
Raman Spectroscopy of NH$_4$MnCl$_3$ Crystal
Spectroscopic Raman study of trifluoroperovskites of ammonium under high pressure
Absorption Spectra of NH$_4$MnCl$_3$ and NH$_4$MnF$_3$
Dynamics of the NH$_4^+$ Ion in ABX$_3$ Perovskites