F. Agulló-Rueda
F. Agulló-Rueda
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M. Manso Silvan
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the treatment of Cu-rich acid mine drainage using iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles
Out-of-plane growth of 2D molybdenum diselenide nanosheets on ultrafast laser-structured substrates
Influence of the synthesis method on the microstructural properties of Ta modified AgNbO$_3$ ferroelectric thin films
Femtosecond laser thinning for resistivity control of tungsten ditelluride thin-films synthesized from sol-gel deposited tungsten oxide
Antibacterial Films of Silver Nanoparticles Embedded into Carboxymethylcellulose/Chitosan Multilayers on Nanoporous Silicon: A Layer-by-Layer Assembly Approach Comparing Dip and Spin Coating
Phonon Structure, Infra-Red and Raman Spectra of Li$_2$MnO$_3$ by First-Principles Calculations
Hydrothermal control of the lithium-rich Li$_2$MnO$_3$ phase in lithium manganese oxide nanocomposites and their application as precursors for lithium adsorbents
Growth of out-of-plane standing MoTe$_{2(1-x)}$Se$_{2x}$/MoSe$_2$ composite flake films by sol-gel nucleation of MoO$_y$ and isothermal closed space telluro-selenization
Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured porous silicon-silver composite layers by cyclic deposition: dip-coating vs spin-coating
Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation
Study of the formation mechanism of hierarchical silicon structures produced by sequential ion beam irradiation and anodic etching
Direct laser writing of nanorough cell microbarriers on anatase/Si and graphite/Si
TiN$_x$O$_y$/TiN dielectric contrasts obtained by ion implantation of O$^{2+}$; structural, optical and electrical properties
Hybrid titania/aminosilane coatings as platforms for the evaluation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells