
Fernando Agulló-Rueda is a staff scientist at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) since 1988 and Senior Research Scientist since 2006. He received his Ph. D. in Physics from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in 1986 for work in halide perovskites. Afterwards he worked abroad for a total of four years: 8 months at the University of Hamburg setting up a Raman spectroscopy laboratory, more than 2 years at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in New York, and 1 year at the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, in the last two cases studying the electro-optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures. Throughout his career he has investigated the optical properties of materials and has published more than 132 peer reviewed papers in scientific journals and with about 3825 citations (h-index = 33 (WOS)). He has also coauthored the books Electrooptics, Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Optoelectronics and Fundamentos de microelectrónica, nanoelectrónica y fotóníca. In 1995 he started the Raman Microscopy Lab to study the nano- and microstructure of materials and devices. He has collaborated with many different groups studying optical waveguides, semiconductor nanostructures, coatings and thin films, biological materials, ion and laser irradiation effects, etc. He has also contributed to the popularization of science with courses, books, and book chapters. He has advised three doctoral theses at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). He is a member of various scientific societies and for two years has been a member of the Executive Council and Treasurer of the Spanish Vacuum Society (ASEVA).

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  • Materials science
  • Optical properties
  • Raman microscopy
  • Micro- and nanostructure
  • PhD in Physics, 1986

    Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)

  • MSc in Physics, 1982

    Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)


Raman microscopy
Materials science
Optical spectroscopy
Materials characterization
Optical properties
Vibrational properties
Thin films and coatings
Metallic oxides
Radiation effects
Biological materials


Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM), CSIC
Senior Research Scientist
Jun 2006 – Present Madrid, Spain
Raman microscopy of micro- and nanomaterials. In charge of the Raman Microscopy Lab. Setup of a homemade near-infrared Raman microspectrometer. Principal investigator of various research projects. Studied the relationship between microstructure and properties of photonic materials like semiconductors and optical waveguides produced by ion irradiation. Studied biological materials (natural and artificial silk fibers). Lecturer in the on-line Master on advanced materials and nanotechnology (UAM) and the on-line Interuniversity Master on Plasma, Laser and Surface Technologies (UCO-UPM).
Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MP-FKF)
Visitor scientist
Jan 1991 – Dec 1991 Stuttgart, Germany
With Prof. Holger T. Grahn, in the groups of Prof. Klaus von Klitzing and Prof. Klaus Ploog. Studying the optical and electro-optical properties of complex GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor superlattices.
Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM), CSIC
Research Associate
Feb 1988 – Jun 2006 Madrid, Spain
Studied porous silicon, semiconductor nanostructures and photonic materials like LiNbO$_3$ waveguides and CdTe thin films by Raman spectroscopy. Established a new Raman Microscopy Lab in 1995. Lecturer at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (Undergraduate course Analytical mechanics for Chemistry, 1 semester). Lecturer of the Course on Science and engineering of the surface of metallic materials (Spanish Center for Metallurgical Research, CENIM).
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Postdoctoral scientist
Sep 1987 – Dec 1989 Yorktown Heights, New York, USA
With Prof. Emilio E. Mendez, in the group of Prof. Leo Esaki and Prof. Leroy L. Chang. Effect of electric fields on the optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures like GaAs/AlGaAs and CdTe/CdMnTe semiconductor superlattices. Running and upgrading a lab on semiconductor spectroscopy with Spex double monochromators, liquid helium cryostat and Ar ion, Kr ion and Ti-sapphire lasers. Observation of the Wannier-Stark ladder and electric-field induced doubly-resonant Raman effect.
University of Hamburg
Research Collaborator
Jan 1987 – Aug 1987 Hamburg, Germany
With Prof. Jörg P. Kotthaus. Setup of a new Raman microspectroscopy laboratory for the study of semiconductor nanostructures at different temperatures (10–300 K) and variable excitation wavelengths in the near infrared with a dye laser and an argon ion laser. The Raman spectrometer was one of the first Dilor XY models, with a diode array detector and many options: macro/microscope collection, triple monochromator with the first two working either in subtractive or additive mode. The Dilor XY was one of the first commercial systems for Raman microscopy.
Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)
PhD Grant from the Government of Spain
Jan 1983 – Dec 1986 Madrid, Spain
PhD student under the supervision of Prof. José Manuel Calleja. Internal vibrations of molecular groups as a probe of local crystal structure and phase transitions. Raman spectroscopy of halide perovskites and halide hydrates as a function of temperature and high hydrostatic pressure. Use of Jarrell Ash 25-300 double monochromator with photomultiplier tube, liquid nitrogen cryostat and diamond anvil cell.


Spanish Vacuum Society (ASEVA)
Member of the Executive Council and Treasurer
May 2021 – Oct 2023
The objective of ASEVA is to stimulate research and scientific collaboration in the fields of vacuum science, techniques and applications including related multi-disciplinary topics as solid-vacuum interfaces.
19th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF2023)
Treasurer and member of the local organizing committee
Sep 2023 – Sep 2023
The 19th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF2023), organized by the Spanish Vacuum Society (ASEVA), was held in Burgos (Spain), September 26–29th, 2023
2022 Iberian Vacuum Meeting / Reunión Ibérica de Vacío (RIVA XII)
Member of the Scientific Committee
May 2022 – May 2022
The Iberian Vacuum Conference (Reunión Ibérica de Vacío, RIVA XII) was a joint meeting of the Portuguese Vacuum Society (SOPORVAC) and the Spanish Vacuum Society (ASEVA) held in Braga, Portugal, May 16–117th, 2022
2021 Iberian Vacuum Meeting / Reunión Ibérica de Vacío (RIVA)
Member of the Organizing Committee
Oct 2021 – Oct 2021
The Iberian Vacuum Conference (Reunión Ibérica de Vacío, RIVA) is a joint meeting of the Portuguese Vacuum Society (SOPORVAC) and the Spanish Vacuum Society (ASEVA)
h-index : 33 (Web of Science)
Jan 1982 – Aug 2023
Total number of citations to my articles (Citations) = 3 844
h-index = 37 (Google Scholar)
Jan 1982 – Aug 2023
Total number of scientific articles citing my articles (Citations) = 5 696
Six 6-year periods of positive research activity approved
Jan 1983 – Jan 2012
A total of six 6-year periods of research activity approved by peer review
Editor of the Raman spectroscopy channel
Jul 2001 – Jul 2005
spectroscopyNOW was an internet portal with news, tutorials, and links on spectroscopy established by the publisher John Wiley and Sons. I was the editor of the Raman spectroscopy channel from its foundation in 2001 until 2005.
PFPI predoctoral grant
Jan 1982 – Dec 1986
Grant to realize a doctoral thesis at the Autonomous University of Madrid
Postdoctoral grant of the Spanish Microelectronics Program
Oct 1987 – Sep 1989
Grant for a postdoctoral stay at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, USA. The Spanish Microelectronics Program was an initiative to foster the science and industry of microelectronics in Spain.



Ultrafast Laser Structuring of Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Bio-actuation (ULS_PSB)

The combination of advanced materials and processing technologies is a common element in the production of novel devices with high added value. At the same time, laser processing is recognized as an intrinsically green manufacturing technology, as it enables an extremely efficient and flexible use of resources and energy. The Coordinated Project ULS_PSB aims at exploring, controlling and exploiting several ultrafast laser structuring techniques and complementarily, ion beam modification, for processing a variety of advanced materials systems to develop novel applications in the fields of Photonics, Sensing and Bio-actuation.

Flexibilidad nano-estructural y propiedades magnéticas, ópticas y catalíticas en óxidos metálicos multifuncionales (NANOMAGOX)

Flexibilidad nano-estructural y propiedades magnéticas, ópticas y catalíticas en óxidos metálicos multifuncionales (NANOMAGOX)

Investigadores principales: Fernando Agulló-Rueda y Ángel Roberto Landa Cánovas. Organismo financiador: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Referencia: MAT2014-57547-R Centro de ejecución: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), CSIC. Fecha: 1/1/2015–31/12/2017.

Flexibilidad micro- y nano-estructural en óxidos mixtos de interés catalítico (FlexOCat)

Flexibilidad micro- y nano-estructural en óxidos mixtos de interés catalítico (FlexOCat)

Investigador principal: Fernando Agulló-Rueda. Organismo financiador: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Referencia: MAT2011-27192. Centro de ejecución: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), CSIC.

Producción de fibras artificiales bioinspiradas en la seda de araña

Producción de fibras artificiales bioinspiradas en la seda de araña

Producción de fibras poliméricas artificiales bioinspiradas en la seda sintetizada en la glándula ampollácea mayor de la araña (hilo MAS)

Surface functionalization of materials for high added value applications (FUNCOAT)

Surface functionalization of materials for high added value applications (FUNCOAT)

Ciencias y Tecnologías de funcionalización de superficies e interfases en materiales de alto valor añadido. Surface functionalization of materials for high added value applications. Proyecto CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010

Biosensores basados en compuestos nanoestructurados de silicio / Biosensors based on nanostructured silicon compounds

Biosensores basados en compuestos nanoestructurados de silicio / Biosensors based on nanostructured silicon compounds

The main purpose of his project is the development of biosensors based on substrates of nanostructured silicon compounds. Among these materials we have chosen porous silicon (PS) with controlled nanocrystal size and nanostructured silica in the form MCM41.

Diseño de patrones por haces de iones en materiales para aplicaciones optoelectrónicas y biofuncionales. Micro y nanocaracterización / Ion beam patterning of materials for optoelectronic applications and biofunctionalization

Diseño de patrones por haces de iones en materiales para aplicaciones optoelectrónicas y biofuncionales. Micro y nanocaracterización / Ion beam patterning of materials for optoelectronic applications and biofunctionalization

Investigation of ion beam techniques for the development of micro- and nanostructures showing (a) Optical contrast that could be exploited as photonic structures of interest in optoelectronics, and (b) Electrical properties contrast that could be used as electric protocols to stimulate specific processes of biological cell differentiation

Electrodos basados en monolitos de carbono. Aplicación a supercondensadores y baterias de ión-litio

Electrodos basados en monolitos de carbono. Aplicación a supercondensadores y baterias de ión-litio

Investigador principal: José María Rojo. Organismo financiador: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Referencia: MAT2008-03182. Centro de ejecución: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), CSIC. Duración: 2009–2011 (3 años).

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