F. Agulló-Rueda
Thermal shock resistance of additive manufactured Inconel 718 by concentrated solar energy
Iodine substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and activation of derived ceramics for range verification in proton therapy
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the treatment of Cu-rich acid mine drainage using iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles
Out-of-plane growth of 2D molybdenum diselenide nanosheets on ultrafast laser-structured substrates
Influence of the synthesis method on the microstructural properties of Ta modified AgNbO$_3$ ferroelectric thin films
Femtosecond laser thinning for resistivity control of tungsten ditelluride thin-films synthesized from sol-gel deposited tungsten oxide
Antibacterial Films of Silver Nanoparticles Embedded into Carboxymethylcellulose/Chitosan Multilayers on Nanoporous Silicon: A Layer-by-Layer Assembly Approach Comparing Dip and Spin Coating
Phonon Structure, Infra-Red and Raman Spectra of Li$_2$MnO$_3$ by First-Principles Calculations
Hydrothermal control of the lithium-rich Li$_2$MnO$_3$ phase in lithium manganese oxide nanocomposites and their application as precursors for lithium adsorbents
Spatially resolved MoO$_x$ phases by laser localized oxidation of MoO$_2$: A possible route for all-molybdenum-oxide devices
Growth of out-of-plane standing MoTe$_{2(1-x)}$Se$_{2x}$/MoSe$_2$ composite flake films by sol-gel nucleation of MoO$_y$ and isothermal closed space telluro-selenization
Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured porous silicon-silver composite layers by cyclic deposition: dip-coating vs spin-coating
Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation
Nanostructural changes upon substitutional Al doping in ZnO sputtered films
Aplicaciones ópticas de láminas delgadas
Propiedades ópticas
Incommensurate magnetic structure and chemical modulation in SbVO$_4$ catalyst
Characterization of the interface between highly conductive Ga:ZnO films and the silicon substrate
Lattice damage in 9-MeV-carbon irradiated diamond and its recovery after annealing
Micro-Raman spectroscopy of near-surface damage in diamond irradiated with 9-MeV boron ions
Study of the effects of focused high-energy boron ion implantation in diamond
Study of the formation mechanism of hierarchical silicon structures produced by sequential ion beam irradiation and anodic etching
The apparent variability of silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk and its relationship with degumming
Direct laser writing of nanorough cell microbarriers on anatase/Si and graphite/Si
Laser heating induced phase changes of VO$_2$ crystals in air monitored by Raman spectroscopy
Differences in n-type doping efficiency between Al- and Ga-ZnO films
Raman spectroscopy analysis of pigments on Diego Velazquez paintings
Self-organized surface nanopatterns on Cd(Zn)Te crystals induced by medium-energy ion beam sputtering
Isothermal close space sublimation for II-VI semiconductor filling of porous matrices
Minor Ampullate Silks from Nephila and Argiope Spiders: Tensile Properties and Microstructural Characterization
Characterization of Ti-C-N coatings deposited on Ti6Al4V for biomedical applications
Highly conductive Ga-doped ZnO thin films deposited onto Si wafers: Interface characterization
Nanostructure of the Interfaces Between ZnO, ZnO:Ga and ZnO:Al Films and Silicon
Raman analysis of an impacted $α$-GeO$_2$--H$_2$O mixture
Relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties in spider silk fibers: two regimes in the microstructural changes
Bioinspired fibers follow the track of natural spider silk
High quality ZnO and Ga:ZnO thin films grown onto crystalline Si (100) by RF magnetron sputtering
TiN$_x$O$_y$/TiN dielectric contrasts obtained by ion implantation of O$^{2+}$; structural, optical and electrical properties
Amorphous Carbon Nanofibers and Their Activated Carbon Nanofibers as Supercapacitor Electrodes
Tribological study of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films with tailored microstructure and composition produced by bias-enhanced plasma chemical vapour deposition
Giant enhancement of material damage associated to electronic excitation during ion irradiation: The case of LiNbO$_3$
Hydrogen quantification in hydrogenated amorphous carbon films by infrared, Raman and x-ray absorption near edge spectroscopies
Old silks endowed with new properties
Espectroscopía Raman
Optical and structural properties of Sb$_2$S$_3$/MgF$_2$ multilayers for laser applications
Raman scattering by coupled plasmon-LO phonons in InN nanocolumns
Raman scattering by longitudinal optical phonons in InN nanocolumns grown on Si(111) and Si(001) substrates
Buried amorphous layers by electronic excitation in ion-beam irradiated lithium niobate: structure and kinetics
Carbon hollow nanospheres from chlorination of ferrocene
DC substrate bias effects on the physical properties of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films grown by plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition
Hybrid titania/aminosilane coatings as platforms for the evaluation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Inelastic light scattering spectroscopy of semiconductor nitride nanocolumns
Optical and structural properties in the amorphous to polycrystalline transition in Sb$_2$S$_3$ thin films
Phonon-plasmon coupling in electron surface accumulation layers in InN nanocolumns
Single-wall carbon nanotubes bearing covalently linked phthalocyanines - Photoinduced electron transfer
Ultraviolet nanosecond laser-assisted micro-modifications in Lithium Niobate monitored by Nd$^{3+}$ luminescence
Нанотехнологии для микро- и оптоэлектроники
Direct Observation of Waveguide Formation in KGd(WO$_4$)$_2$ by Low Dose H$^+$ Ion Implantation
Effect of Bias Voltage on the Physical Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films Grown by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition
Effect of local rotations on the optical response of LiNbO$_3$: application to ion-beam damage
Fabrication of domain inverted structures by direct electron bombardment in LiNbO$_3$ crystals and its characterization
Femtosecond laser induced micromodifications in Nd:SBN crystals: Amorphization and luminescence inhibition
Fotónica y nanotecnología
Multicapas de silicio nanoestructurado para aplicaciones optoelectrónicas
Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Optoelectronics
Optical investigation of femtosecond laser induced microstress in neodymium doped lithium niobate crystals
Optical investigation of the propagation of the amorphous--crystalline boundary in ion-beam irradiated LiNbO$_3$
Self-Activated Nd$^{3+}$:Ba$_2$NaNb$_5$O$_{12}$ optical superlattices: Micro-characterization and noncollinear laser light generation
Effect of composition gradient on CuIn$_3$Te$_5$ single crystals properties, micro-Raman and infrared spectroscopies
Fundamentos de microelectrónica, nanoelectrónica y fotóníca
Generation of amorphous surface layers in LiNbO$_3$ by ion-beam irradiation: thresholding and boundary propagation
Porous silicon optical devices for sensing applications
Multiwavelength Laser Action of Nd$^{3+}$:YAlO$_3$ Single Crystals Grown by the Laser Heated Pedestal Growth Method
Structure and Properties of $(25-x/2)$Li$_2$O $·$ $(25-x/2)$Na$_2$O $·$ $x$PbO $·$ 50P$_2$O$_5$ Metaphosphate Glasses
Aplicaciones de capas semiconductoras en microelectrónica y fotónica
Modeling Heterogeneity and Memory Effects on the Kinetic Roughening of Silica Films Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Métodos ópticos
Pair Breaking by Chain Oxygen Disorder in Light-Ion Irradiated YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_x$ thin films
Propiedades ópticas de capas delgadas. Aplicaciones
Stability of PL and Surface Coverage of $n$ Type Porous Silicon
Directional Solidification of the Al$_2$O$_3$/GdAlO$_3$ Eutectic by Laser Melting Technique
Electric Field Enhancement of the Rabi Splitting in a Superlattice-Microcavity System
Periodic Doping in Single Crystal Fibers Grown by Laser-Heated Pedestal Growth Technique
Structural Characteristics of $p$-Type Porous Silicon and their Relation to the Nucleation and Growth of Pores
Transition from Amorphous Boron Carbide to Hexagonal Boron Carbon Nitride Thin Films Induced by Nitrogen Ion Assistance
Compositional Study of LiNbO$_3$ Thin Films Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy
Electron-Phonon Coupling in Yb$^{3+}$:LiNbO$_3$ Laser Crystal
Enhancement of Rabi Splitting in a Microcavity with an Embedded Superlattice
Hardening mechanisms in graphitic carbon nitride films grown with N$_2$/Ar ion assistance
Lattice-Mismatch Induced Stress in Porous Silicon Films
Multiple Stokes and Anti-Stokes Picosecond Generation, cw Laser Action at Wavelengths of Two Stimulated-Emission Channels $^4F_{3/2}$ $\rightarrow$ $^4I_{11/2}$ and $^4F_{3/2}$ $\rightarrow$ $^4I_{13/2}$, and Nanosecond Self-SRS Lasing in Undoped and Nd$^{3+}$-Doped Tetragonal PbMoO$_4$ Crystals
New Laser and $χ^{(3)}$-Nonlinear Properties of PbMoO$_4$:Nd$^{3+}$: CW Stimulated Emission at 1.0594 and 1.335 μm, High-Order Picosecond Raman Generation, and Nanosecond Self-SRS Lasing
Depth-Resolved Microspectroscopy of Porous Silicon Multilayers
Determination of Stress in Porous Silicon by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
Dynamic states of V‐oxide species: reducibility and performance for methane oxidation on {V$_2$O$_5$/SiO$_2$} catalysts as a function of coverage
Espectroscopía Raman
Laser Heating in Porous Silicon Studied by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
On the Compositional Nature of Bulk Doped Periodic Poled Lithium Niobate Crystals
Raman Spectroscopy of NiSe$_2$ and NiS$_{2-x}$Se$_x$ ($0 < x < 2$) Thin Films
Raman Spectroscopy of Wurtzite InN Films Grown on Si
A Galvanostatic Study of the Electrodeposition of Polypyrrole Into Porous Silicon
Depth-Resolved Microspectroscopy of Porous Silicon Multilayers
First Observations of Stimulated Emission and of Stimulated Raman Scattering in Accentric Cubic Nd$^{3+}$:Bi$_{12}$SiO$_{20}$ Crystals
Incorporation of vanadium in liquid phase epitaxy films of LiNbO$_3$
Linear Electroabsorption in Semi-Insulating GaAs/AlGaAs Asymmetric Double Quantum Wells
Influence of Wavelength on the Raman Line Shape in Porous Silicon
On the Effects of Stresses in Ferroelectric (Pb, Ca)TiO$_3$ Thin Films
Deposition of polypyrrole into porous silicon
Depth-resolved micro-Raman study of porous silicon at different oxidation states
Dielectric characterization of oxyacetylene flame-deposited diamond thin films
Excitonic effects in the miniband formation of graded-gap superlattices
Raman Active Phonons of $R$Fe$_3$(BO$_3$)$_4$ $R$=La or Nd Single Crystals
Selection rules in the Raman spectrum of porous silicon
Structure of High Index Proton Exchange LiNbO$_3$ Waveguides with Undegraded Nonlinear Optical Coefficients
Laser-Assisted Recrystallization to Improve the Surface Morphology of CdTe Epitaxial Layers
Semiconductores con Luz Propia
Wannier-Stark Localization in Asymmetric Double-Well Superlattices
Effect of Thermal Annealing on Te Precipitates in CdTe Wafers Studied by Raman Scattering and Cathodoluminescence
Elimination of Te Precipitates from CdTe Wafers
Wannier-Stark localization and Bloch oscillations
Electrooptics: Phenomena, materials and applications
Lateral localization in strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
Miniband formation in graded-gap superlattices
Nonthermal Occupation of $Γ$ and $X$ States in GaAs/AlAs Superlattices
Electronic energy levels of quantum well wires
Espectroscopía Raman
Lateral superlattice effects in very narrow strained semiconductor quantum wells grown on vicinal surfaces
Localization in Highly Strained In$_{0.35}$Ga$_{0.65}$As/GaAs Ultrathin Quantum Wells
Miniband formation at finite electric fields in a graded-gap superlattice
El oscilador armónico: una herramienta de la Física actual
Local origin of photocurrent in semiconductor superlattices
Steady holographic gratings in semiconductor multiple quantum wells
Growth and novel properties of magnetic heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy
Change in dimensionality of superlattice excitons induced by an electric field
Coherence and localization in semiconductor superlattices under electric fields
Interactions between extended and localized states in superlattices
Observation of 'Tamm States' in Superlattices
Observation of Miniband Formation in the CdTe/Cd$_{1-x}$Mn$_x$Te Quantum Well System
Stark ladder excitonic transitions
Temperature Dependence of the Electronic Coherence of GaAs-GaAlAs Superlattices
Optical properties of quantum wells and superlattices under electric fields
Quantum coherence in semiconductor superlattices
Doubly Resonant Raman Scattering Induced by an Electric Field
Raman Spectroscopy of the Ammonium Ion in NH$_4$ZnF$_3$ and NH$_4$MnF$_3$ Perovskites: Temperature Dependence
Stark Localization in GaAs-GaAlAs Superlattices under an Electric Field
Optical Properties of Natural PbCO$_3$ Single Crystals
Raman and Infrared Spectra of Transition Metal Halide Hexahydrates
Raman Scattering Study of Rb$_{1-x}$(ND$_4$)$_x$D$_2$PO$_4$ Mixed Crystal
Raman Spectroscopy of NH$_4$MnCl$_3$ Crystal
Spectroscopic Raman study of trifluoroperovskites of ammonium under high pressure
Espectroscopía Raman de cristales con grupos moleculares: NH$_4$MX$_3$ y MX$_2$$·$6H$_2$O [Raman Spectroscopy of Crystals with Molecular Groups: NH$_4$MX$_3$ and MX$_2$$·$6H$_2$O]
Absorption Spectra of NH$_4$MnCl$_3$ and NH$_4$MnF$_3$
Dynamics of the NH$_4^+$ Ion in ABX$_3$ Perovskites